Recently the Virginia Department of Labor and Industry Occupational Safety and Health Programs published updated guidance for Employers to Mitigate the Risk of COVID-19 to Workers. As current COVID-19 infections decline and vaccinations and natural immunity increase within the general population, Virginia is on a path toward normalcy. This guidance is designed to help employers provide appropriate information for workers to mitigate the risk of COVID-19 transmission in the workplace and to help establish a workplace framework for future organizational and individual expectations and responsibilities. This updated document provides guidance for employers how to engage with workers to mitigate COVID-19 transmission and the impact of contracting the virus, including:
These mandatory VOSH standards include: requirements for PPE (part 1910, Subpart I (e.g., 1910.132 and 133)), respiratory protection (1910.134), sanitation (1910.141), protection from blood borne pathogens (1910.1030), VOSH's requirements for employee access to medical and exposure records (1910.1020), and requirements in the VOSH Administrative Regulations Manual. Employers are also required by the General Duty Clause, Va. Code 40.1-51.1.A, to provide a safe and healthful workplace free from recognized hazards that are causing or likely to cause death or serious physical harm. See the OSHA COVID-19 guidance for more information on how to protect workers from potential exposures, according to their exposure risk. **Virginia Department of Health (VDH) and CDC do not require mask but do recommend them. The most recent VDH FAQ for Healthcare providers may be found here. |